What to Expect
We are grateful to have you join us for our worship gathering. Our services are reverent and approachable.
Visiting a church can be stressful. We’ve all been where you are right now. So, we can say with great confidence: the blessing of finding this church is a rich reward for the potential stress of the first-time visit.
We want to do our part to minimize this stress. Here are our promises to you...(Read More)
Our Location
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
28000 New Market Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48331
The worship entrance is located just off of New Market Road. The entrance is on the right side of the parking lot. As you enter the building, the worship space will be to your right. The washrooms are located to the left of the entrance. You'll also see signage for a welcome desk. The attendant will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the church.

About Worship
Our service time is at 9:30 a.m.
We are grateful to have you join us for our worship gathering.
Our services utilize a liturgical format with roots that go back to the second and third centuries. We often use an organ to accompany the congregation in singing. About once a month, our praise team leads us in more contemporary song and worship.
Upcoming Events
Lent Mid-week Worship- Wednesday evenings at 7pm (dinner at 6pm in our Community center)
Holy Week Schedule:
Palm Sunday worship at 9:30am with Brunch immediately following in our Community Center
Maundy Thursday Worship at 7pm - Good Friday Worship at 7pm
Easter Sunday worship at 9:30am
Movie Night! Join us for Pizza and refreshments and a great movie! -The last Friday of the month at 5pm here in our Community Center. Our next feature is on Friday, March 28! All are welcome!
Recent Services